osad-5.11.99-8.module_el8.1.0+210+a3d63f21 >  A ]aPU]S(U-w٫x10fkq, 8 폡?]ޡ)v_ejrݽTrL65ʀч:R^,>

rʭ%tyO V߈6kK[{;v1CC.C*aLeXD|[+mázmż'~15~kD?>bWṶJ] )^ISg{[ӑIZ,<VܴdFұubh,LLcxqdX u%L1reo QYy.a>ACYR2 |i3nb#<ы8l R/!k籖FVwgZO5YIzmȄ0}wMp֙LRGa6tdK?,TT>pC53?5#d - M48TX_fl (X |        M  `    8L g   ( J8 TT9 T:1T>1?1"@1*G14 H1X I1| X1Y1\1 ]2 ^2G b2d4!e4&f4)l4+t4D u4h v444444Cosad5.11.998.module_el8.1.0+210+a3d63f21Open Source Architecture DaemonOSAD agent receives commands over jabber protocol from Spacewalk Server and commands are instantly executed. This package effectively replaces the behavior of rhnsd/rhn_check that only poll the Spacewalk Server from time to time.]eaarch64-04.mbox.centos.orgOiCentOSCentOSGPLv2CentOS Buildsys Unspecifiedhttps://github.com/spacewalkproject/spacewalklinuxnoarchif [ -f /etc/init.d/osad ]; then /sbin/chkconfig --add osad fi if [ -f /usr/lib/systemd/system/osad.service ]; then if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then # Initial installation systemctl --no-reload preset osad.service &>/dev/null || : fi if [ "$1" = "2" ]; then # upgrade from old init.d if [ -L /etc/rc2.d/S97osad ]; then /usr/bin/systemctl enable osad.service >/dev/null 2>&1 fi rm -f /etc/rc?.d/[SK]??osad fi fi # Fix the /var/log/osad permission BZ 836984 if [ -f /var/log/osad ]; then /bin/chmod 600 /var/log/osad fiif [ $1 = 0 ]; then if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then # Package removal, not upgrade systemctl --no-reload disable --now osad.service &>/dev/null || : fi fi if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then # Package upgrade, not uninstall systemctl try-restart osad.service &>/dev/null || : fis#(FA큤]e]e]e]e]e]e]eZU]ea3e4aafe9fc15a279c019a072a8a14d9c8da0f064df8dace4ca6c2a9c9370469248a349bcb6bd89640ad107ff0eeedd8516adc1b899d85976b061d075a300dcb59c3b32b2bbe2b3325b9890d4c778a7656f35510744c0e3e8b004ad05acf2696cef888334df5bcc342e9af11bd1c897abe32de6216bf7284e475657f267ccd72c465a0287d9e66e6bf795f4530e3dd8081cd04fce82f29b28c25bff910d8e2438177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643osad-3.6@rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootosad-5.11.99-8.module_el8.1.0+210+a3d63f21.src.rpmconfig(osad)osad     /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shchkconfigchkconfigconfig(osad)python3-osadrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)systemd-sysvsystemd-sysvsystemd-unitssystemd-units5.11.99-8.module_el8.1.0+210+a3d63f215.11.99-8.module_el8.1.0+210+a3d63f213.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-1osa-dispatcherosa-dispatcher5.11.99-8.module_el8.1.0+210+a3d63f215.11.99-8.module_el8.1.0+210+a3d63f214.14.2[#@[m~@[WZԐ@ZZZ1@Z}@YY@YB@YdYp@YY{Y@Y@YJYJYV@Y@YYyYw2Ym@YlX@XBXX@X=mX2X%W@W@WEW4p@W1@W)@W(W#LWX@V@VMUJ@U@Uq@UT@U'@U@U @TE@Tء@Tr@T@T@T@TmTcKTXT$S/SǺSS@S"@S@SS8@S9XRy@RR|@RVRIgR@Q@QbQzl@QyQb@QR@QR@QQTomas Orsava - 5.11.99-8Tomas Kasparek 5.11.99-7Tomas Kasparek 5.11.99-6Tomas Kasparek 5.11.99-5Tomas Kasparek 5.11.99-4Tomas Kasparek 5.11.99-3Tomas Kasparek 5.11.99-2Michael Mraka 5.11.99-1Michael Mraka 5.11.98-1Michael Mraka 5.11.97-1Michael Mraka 5.11.96-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.95-1Michael Mraka 5.11.94-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.93-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.92-1Michael Mraka 5.11.91-1Jan Dobes 5.11.90-1Michael Mraka 5.11.89-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.88-1Michael Mraka 5.11.87-1Michael Mraka 5.11.86-1Eric Herget 5.11.85-1Eric Herget 5.11.84-1Michael Mraka 5.11.83-1Michael Mraka 5.11.82-1Jan Dobes 5.11.81-1Eric Herget 5.11.80-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.79-1Eric Herget 5.11.78-1Jan Dobes 5.11.77-1Jan Dobes 5.11.76-1Gennadii Altukhov 5.11.75-1Jiri Dostal 5.11.74-1Jiri Dostal 5.11.73-1Grant Gainey 5.11.72-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.71-1Gennadii Altukhov 5.11.70-1Grant Gainey 5.11.69-1Gennadii Altukhov 5.11.68-1Gennadii Altukhov 5.11.67-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.66-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.65-1Gennadii Altukhov 5.11.64-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.63-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.62-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.61-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.60-1Stephen Herr 5.11.59-1Matej Kollar 5.11.58-1Grant Gainey 5.11.57-1Grant Gainey 5.11.56-1Stephen Herr 5.11.55-1Matej Kollar 5.11.54-1Stephen Herr 5.11.53-1Tomas Lestach 5.11.52-1Matej Kollar 5.11.51-1Stephen Herr 5.11.50-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.49-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.48-1Stephen Herr 5.11.47-1Stephen Herr 5.11.46-1Michael Mraka 5.11.45-1Milan Zazrivec 5.11.41-1Milan Zazrivec 5.11.40-1Milan Zazrivec 5.11.39-1Milan Zazrivec 5.11.38-1Milan Zazrivec 5.11.37-1Milan Zazrivec 5.11.36-1Milan Zazrivec 5.11.35-1Stephen Herr 5.11.34-1Jan Dobes 5.11.33-1Milan Zazrivec 5.11.32-1Milan Zazrivec 5.11.31-1Michael Mraka 5.11.30-1Michael Mraka 5.11.29-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.28-1Michael Mraka 5.11.27-1Tomas Kasparek 5.11.26-1Michael Mraka 5.11.25-1Michael Mraka 5.11.24-1Tomas Lestach 5.11.23-1Stephen Herr 5.11.22-1Stephen Herr 5.11.21-1Stephen Herr 5.11.20-1- Require the Python interpreter directly instead of using the package name - Related: rhbz#1633713- Resolves: #1607909 - remove TLSv1 hardcode and let client/server negotiate (tkasparek@redhat.com)- prefer to build for python3... (nils@redhat.com) - use %python2_* instead of unversioned macros (nils@redhat.com)- don't build osa-dispatcher and python2 subpackages (tkasparek@redhat.com)- remove osad files when packaging only for python3 (tkasparek@redhat.com) - osa-dispatcher is dependent on spacewalk-backend which is in python2 (tkasparek@redhat.com) - run osa-dispatcher on python3 when possible (tkasparek@redhat.com) - don't build python2 subpackages on F28 + update python requires (tkasparek@redhat.com)- build osad for python3 (tkasparek@redhat.com)- rebuild for rhel8- removed %%defattr from specfile - remove install/clean section initial cleanup - removed Group from specfile - removed BuildRoot from specfiles- osad: add missing directory to filelist- use sssd macros only on Fedora 26- 1501866 - osa-dispatcher is now link to actual executable- 1451770 - simplify expression using format_exc- install files into python_sitelib/python3_sitelib - move osa-dispatcher files into proper python2/python3 subpackages - move osa-common files into proper python2/python3 subpackages - move osad files into proper python2/python3 subpackages - split osa-dispatcher into python2/python3 specific packages - split osa-common into python2/python3 specific packages - split osad into python2/python3 specific packages- (bz#1491451) osad: set KillMode=process in systemd unit - 1494389 - Revert "[1260527] RHEL7 reboot loop"- Revert "(bz#1491451) osad: set KillMode=process in systemd unit" - (bz#1491451) osad: set KillMode=process in systemd unit- purged changelog entries for Spacewalk 2.0 and older - fixed selinux error messages during package install, see related BZ#1446487- 1373789 - fixing permissions for logrotate file- make sure osa_dispatcher_upstream_notif_server_port_t has been removed- 1479849 - BuildRequires: perl has been renamed to perl-interpreter on Fedora 27- recompile osa-dispatcher with py2 even on F23+- 1477753 - use standard brp-python-bytecompile to make proper .pyc/.pyo- update copyright year- 1446487 - spacewalk-selinux error messages during package install- 1471946 - allow osad to work with older RHEL6 and RHEL7 rhnlib- move version and release before sources- Updated links to github in spec files - Migrating Fedorahosted to GitHub - fix TypeError: descriptor 'with_traceback'- BZ1410781 - osad doesn't pick up tasks following a reboot event- require spacewalk-usix indead of spacewalk-backend-usix- 1419199 - fix osa_dispatcher so it can successfully register with jabberd- removing selinux port requirements - Drop code used from the Perl stack to 'trickle' OSAD- perl isn't in Fedora 25 buildroot- 1397078: fix python2/3 StringIO import- [1260527] RHEL7 reboot loop- Fix of verification of /etc/sysconfig/rhn/osad-auth.conf file- 1277448 - Link ssl-failure-log to associated solution-article- updating copyright years- change interpreter on python2 for osa-dispatcher- osad: fix permissions on directories- 1332224 - service osad doesn't work with selinux- Adapt osad to work in python 2/3 - remove local ConfigParser which was used for Python 1.5- fix typo in error message- provide Knowledgebase article hint in case of connection fails- 1306541 - Add possibility for OSAD to work in failover mode- osad: re-send subscription stanzas after a while- allow exexmem to osa-dispatcher- auto-healing for duplicate jabber ids- Add logging of error stanzas - Add error logging to debug log - Refactoring: inline method used only once - Refactoring: remove modification to unused variable- define the order of pending clients - explain the new notify_threshold param - introduce notify_threshold for osa-dispatcher (bsc#915581)- Improve osad's handling of the rhn_check process.- Move common files shared between osad and osa-dispatcher its own package. This allows osad and osa-dispatcher to coexist.- Updating copyright info for 2015- osa-dispatcher: check for reboot type only- Updating function names- Apply needed SElinux fix for RHEL7 and make use of systemd unit files- move %pre section down and eliminate an %if- Getting rid of Tabs and trailing spaces in Python - Getting rid of Tabs and trailing spaces in LICENSE, COPYING, and README files- fix osad postun section- Revert "autostart osad after package installation"- autostart osad after package installation- 1117343 - fix osad through unauthenticated proxy case- 1125432 - self-heal jabberd connection to proxies if satellite restarts- increasing osad version to be above builds in SPACEWALK-2.2- osad: fix traceback if http proxy is not configured- fix copyright years- 1117343 - osad: support communication over proxy- start osad after package installation on sysvinit systems- RHEL-5 python doesn't support -s option- don't add user site dir to sys.path- spec file polish- make reboot_in_progress a public function - do not notify osad of a server which reboot is in progress- 1056515 - adapting to different logrotate version in fedora and rhel- remove extraneous 'except'- 917070 - catch jabberd connection errors- cleaning up old svn Ids- removed trailing whitespaces- Branding clean-up of proxy stuff in client dir- more branding cleanup- rebranding RHN Proxy to Red Hat Proxy in client stuff - rebranding RHN Satellite to Red Hat Satellite in client stuff- new logrotate complains about permissions- enable osad.service after installation- setting default attributes for osa-dispatcher files- 860937 - somehow I managed to get wrong the version required in rhel 5- 860937 - correct requires on RHEL 5- 860937 - update osad requires versions for rhel 5 and 6/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh 5.11.99-8.module_el8.1.0+210+a3d63f215.11.99-8.module_el8.1.0+210+a3d63f21osadosadosad-auth.confosad.confosad.serviceosadosadLICENSEosad/etc/logrotate.d//etc/sysconfig/rhn/clientCaps.d//etc/sysconfig/rhn//etc/sysconfig/rhn//usr/lib/systemd/system//usr/sbin//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/osad//var/log/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryemptyutf-8616aa6f12c6ccfd870e347185340cd7462d7bdbcfa761fa5942db15d8b789f3drhn-tools:1.0:8010020191114034948:f69d1239?7zXZ !#,TS:] b2u Q{K'!4xΨIBw" 1Ea]xz}Y: 0aFL*ԍPtzk_>'?ܕbSXVi0_UPnO9.w? 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