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5.9.1-6Than Ngo - 5.9.1-5Florian Weimer - 5.9.1-4Than Ngo - 5.9.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 5.9.1-2Rex Dieter - 5.9.1-1Than Ngo - 5.9.0-6Than Ngo - 5.9.0-5Than Ngo - 5.9.0-4Rex Dieter - 5.9.0-3Rex Dieter - 5.9.0-2Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.9.0-1Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.9.0-0.1.rcHelio Chissini de Castro - 5.9.0-0.rc.1Rex Dieter - 5.9.0-0.6.beta3Fedora Release Engineering - 5.9.0-0.5.beta3Rex Dieter - 5.9.0-0.4.beta3Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.9.0-0.beta.3Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.9.0-0.beta.1Rex Dieter - 5.8.0-8Rex Dieter - 5.8.0-7Rex Dieter - 5.8.0-6Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.8.0-5Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.8.0-4Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.8.0-3Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.8.0-2Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.8.0-1Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-13Kevin Kofler - 5.7.1-12Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-11Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-10Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-9Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-8Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-7Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-6Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-5Rex Dieter - 5.7.1-4Than Ngo - 5.7.1-3Than Ngo - 5.7.1-2Helio Chissini de Castro - 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5.6.0-0.29.rcThan Ngo - 5.6.0-0.28.rcHelio Chissini de Castro - 5.6.0-0.27.rcHelio Chissini de Castro - 5.6.0-0.26.rcRex Dieter 5.6.0-0.25.betaThan Ngo - 5.6.0-0.24.betaRex Dieter 5.6.0-0.23.betaRex Dieter 5.6.0-0.22.betaRex Dieter 5.6.0-0.21.betaThan Ngo - 5.6.0-0.20.betaRex Dieter 5.6.0-0.19.betaRex Dieter 5.6.0-0.17.betaRex Dieter 5.6.0-0.16Rex Dieter - 5.6.0-0.15Rex Dieter 5.6.0-0.13Peter Robinson 5.6.0-0.12Than Ngo - 5.6.0-0.11Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.6.0-0.10Rex Dieter 5.6.0-0.9Rex Dieter 5.6.0-0.8Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.6.0-0.7Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.6.0-0.6Daniel Vratil - 5.6.0-0.5Rex Dieter - 5.6.0-0.4Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.6.0-0.3Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.6.0-0.2Rex Dieter 5.5.1-10Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.5.1-9Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.5.1-8Rex Dieter 5.5.1-7Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.6.0-0.1Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.6.0-0.1David Tardon - 5.5.1-6David Tardon - 5.5.1-5Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.5.1-2Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.5.1-1Rex Dieter 5.5.0-18Rex Dieter 5.5.0-17Rex Dieter 5.5.0-16Kevin Kofler - 5.5.0-15Kevin Kofler - 5.5.0-14Rex Dieter 5.5.0-13Kevin Kofler - 5.5.0-12Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.5.0-11Rex Dieter 5.5.0-10Rex Dieter 5.5.0-9Rex Dieter 5.5.0-8Jan Grulich 5.5.0-7Rex Dieter 5.5.0-6Rex Dieter 5.5.0-5Rex Dieter 5.5.0-4Than Ngo - 5.5.0-3Than Ngo - 5.5.0-2Helio Chissini de Castro - 5.5.0-0.5.rcHelio Chissini de Castro - 5.5.0-0.4.rcHelio Chissini de Castro - 5.5.0-0.3.rcHelio Chissini de Castro - 5.5.0-0.2.rcDaniel Vratil 5.5.0-0.1.rcRex Dieter 5.4.2-2Jan Grulich 5.4.2-1Rex Dieter 5.4.1-20Rex Dieter 5.4.1-19Rex Dieter 5.4.1-18Rex Dieter 5.4.1-17Rex Dieter 5.4.1-16Rex Dieter 5.4.1-15Rex Dieter 5.4.1-14Rex Dieter 5.4.1-13Rex Dieter - 5.4.1-12Rex Dieter 5.4.1-11Rex Dieter 5.4.1-10Rex Dieter 5.4.1-9Rex Dieter - 5.4.1-8Daniel Vrátil - 5.4.1-7Rex Dieter 5.4.1-6Rex Dieter 5.4.1-5Daniel Vrátil - 5.4.1-4Rex Dieter - 5.4.1-3Rex Dieter 5.4.1-2Jan Grulich 5.4.1-1Rex Dieter 5.4.0-13Rex Dieter 5.4.0-12David Tardon - 5.4.0-11Petr Machata - 5.4.0-10Rex Dieter 5.4.0-9David Tardon - 5.4.0-8David Tardon - 5.4.0-7Rex Dieter 5.4.0-6Rex Dieter 5.4.0-5Rex Dieter 5.4.0-4Rex Dieter 5.4.0-3Rex Dieter 5.4.0-2Rex Dieter 5.4.0-1Rex Dieter 5.4.0-0.8.rcRex Dieter 5.4.0-0.7.rcRex Dieter 5.4.0-0.6.betaRex Dieter 5.4.0-0.5.betaRex Dieter 5.4.0-0.4.betaRex Dieter 5.4.0-0.3.betaKevin Kofler - 5.4.0-0.2.betaRex Dieter - 5.4.0-0.1.betaJan Grulich 5.3.2-3Rex Dieter 5.3.2-2Kevin Kofler 5.3.2-1.1Rex Dieter 5.3.2-1David Tardon - 5.3.1-8David Tardon - 5.3.1-7Fedora Release Engineering - 5.3.1-6Rex Dieter - 5.3.1-5Kevin Kofler 5.3.1-4Rex Dieter 5.3.1-3Jan Grulich - 5.3.1-2Jan Grulich - 5.3.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 5.3.0-7Rex Dieter 5.3.0-6Rex Dieter 5.3.0-5Rex Dieter 5.3.0-4Rex Dieter 5.3.0-3Rex Dieter 5.3.0-2Jan Grulich 5.3.0-1Rex Dieter 5.2.1-8Rex Dieter 5.2.1-7Kevin Kofler 5.2.1-6Kevin Kofler 5.2.1-5Rex Dieter 5.2.1-4Rex Dieter 5.2.1-3Rex Dieter 5.2.1-2Rex Dieter 5.2.1-1Rex Dieter 5.2.0-11Kevin Kofler - 5.2.0-10Kevin Kofler - 5.2.0-9Rex Dieter 5.2.0-8Rex Dieter - 5.2.0-7Rex Dieter 5.2.0-6Rex Dieter 5.2.0-5Kevin Kofler - 5.2.0-4Rex Dieter - 5.2.0-3Rex Dieter 5.2.0-2Rex Dieter 5.2.0-1Rex Dieter 5.2.0-0.12.rc1Rex Dieter - 5.2.0-0.11.rc1Rex Dieter 5.2.0-0.10.rc1Rex Dieter 5.2.0-0.8.beta1.20131108_141Rex Dieter 5.2.0-0.7.beta1.20131108_141Lubomir Rintel 5.2.0-0.6.beta1.20131108_141Rex Dieter 5.2.0-0.5.beta1.20131108_141Rex Dieter 5.2.0-0.4.beta1Rex Dieter 5.2.0-0.3.alphaLukáš Tinkl - 5.2.0-0.2.alphaRex Dieter - 5.2.0-0.1.alphaRex Dieter - 5.1.1-6Dan Horák - 5.1.1-5Rex Dieter 5.1.1-4Rex Dieter 5.1.1-3Rex Dieter 5.1.1-2Rex Dieter 5.1.1-1Petr Pisar - 5.0.2-8Rex Dieter 5.0.2-7Petr Pisar - 5.0.2-6Than Ngo - 5.0.2-5Rex Dieter 5.0.2-4Dan Horák - 5.0.2-3Rex Dieter 5.0.2-2Rex Dieter - 5.0.2-1Rex Dieter 5.0.2-0.1.rc1Rex Dieter 5.0.1-6Rex Dieter 5.0.1-5Rex Dieter 5.0.1-4Rex Dieter 5.0.1-3Rex Dieter 5.0.1-2Rex Dieter 5.0.1-1Rex Dieter 5.0.0-4Rex Dieter 5.0.0-3Rex Dieter 5.0.0-2Rex Dieter 5.0.0-1Rex Dieter 5.0.0-0.4.rc2Rex Dieter 5.0.0-0.3.rc1Rex Dieter 5.0.0-0.2.beta2Rex Dieter 5.0.0-0.1.beta2Rex Dieter 5.0.0-0.0.beta2- Fix incorrect integer overflow check in HTTP2 implementation Resolves: RHEL-20238- Fix infinite loops in QXmlStreamReader (CVE-2023-38197) Resolves: bz#2222770- Don't allow remote attacker to bypass security restrictions caused by flaw in certificate validation (CVE-2023-34410) (version #2) Resolves: bz#2212753- Don't allow remote attacker to bypass security restrictions caused by flaw in certificate validation (CVE-2023-34410) Resolves: bz#2212753- Fix specific overflow in qtextlayout - Fix incorrect parsing of the strict-transport-security (HSTS) header - Fix buffer over-read via a crafted reply from a DNS server Resolves: bz#2209491- 5.15.3 + sync with Fedora Resolves: bz#2061377 Resolves: bz#2059853- Fix out-of-bounds write in QOutlineMapper::convertPath Resolves: bz#1996877- Rebuild (binutils) Resolves: bz#1930040- Drop apache2 test server from unit tests to drop perl(CGI) dependency Resolves: bz#1930040- 5.15.2 + sync with Fedora Resolves: bz#1930040- Build against system xkb and openssl 1.1 Resolves: bz#1882375- Fix buffer overflow in XBM parser Resolves: bz#1870364- OpenSSL: handle SSL_shutdown's errors properly Resolves: bz#1851538- Fix: Files placed by attacker can influence the working directory and lead to malicious code execution Resolves: bz#1814739 Resolves: bz#1814683 - Fix: XML entity expansion vulnerability Resolves: bz#1822193- Fix build on RHEL 7 kernel Resolves: bz#1733135- Remove Android specific test to avoid unnecessary dependencies Resolves: bz#1733135- 5.12.5 + sync with Fedora Resolves: bz#1733135- Move libQt5EglFSDeviceIntegration lib out of the -devel subpkg Resolves: bz#1692970 - Fix QImage allocaion failure Resolve: bz#1667860 - Fix double free in QXmlStreamReader Resolve: bz#1667858 - Fix segmentation fault on malformed BMP file Resolve: bz#1667859- Create a tests subpkg with unit tests for gating Resolves: bz#1681889- Rebuild to fix CET notes Resolves: bz#1657206- Attempt not to hardcode ABI-tag for specific kernel version Resolves: bz#1612434- Fix build failure with glibc- Rebuild for platform-python- Update to 5.11.1- Do not require qt-settings package- qt5-qtbase: RPM build flags only partially injected (#1543888)- QOpenGLShaderProgram: glProgramBinary() resulting in LINK_STATUS=FALSE not handled properly (QTBUG-66420)- use %make_build, %ldconfig - drop %_licensedir hack- qt5-qtbase: RPM build flags only partially injected (#1543888)- enable patch to track private api- 5.10.1- track private api use via properly versioned symbols (unused for now)- Escape macros in %changelog- QMimeType: remove unwanted *.bin as preferredSuffix for octet-stream (fdo#101667,kde#382437)- re-enable gold linker (#1458003) - drop qt5_null_flag/qt5_deprecated_flag hacks (should be fixed upstream for awhile) - make qt_settings/journald support unconditional- 5.10.0- Rebuild for ICU 60.1- bz#1518958, backport to fix out of bounds reads in qdnslookup_unix- 5.9.3- categoried logging for xcb entries (#1497564, QTBUG-55167)- QListView upstream regression (#1509649, QTBUG-63846)- pass QMAKE_*_RELEASE to configure to ensure optflags get used (#1505260)- refresh mariadb patch support (upstreamed version apparently incomplete)- 5.9.2- refresh mariadb patch to actually match cr#206850 logic (#1491316)- refresh mariadb patch wrt cr#206850 (#1491316)- actually apply mariadb-related patch (#1491316)- enable openssl11 support only for f27+ (for now) - Use mariadb-connector-c-devel, f28+ (#1493909) - Backport upstream mariadb patch (#1491316)- added privat headers for Qt5 Xcb- Rebuild with binutils fix for ppc64le (#1475636)- fixed bz#1401459, backport openssl-1.1 support- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild- 5.9.1- fixed bz#1442553, multilib issue- fixed build issue with new mariadb- fixed bz#1409600, stack overflow in QXmlSimpleReader, CVE-2016-10040- create_cmake.prf: adjust CMAKE_NO_PRIVATE_INCLUDES (#1456211,QTBUG-37417)- workaround gold linker issue with duplicate symbols (f27+, #1458003)- Upstream official release- Upstream Release Candidate retagged- Upstream Release Candidate 1- -common: Obsoletes: qt5-qtquick1(-devel)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_27_Mass_Rebuild- include recommended qtdbus patches, fix Release- Beta 3 release- No more docs, no more bootstrap. Docs comes now on a single package.- de-bootstrap - make -doc arch'd (workaround bug #1437522)- rebuild- bootstrap (rawhide) - revert some minor changes introduced since 5.7 - move *Plugin.cmake items to runtime (not -devel)- Really debootstrap :-P- Debootstrap - Use meta doctools package to build docs- Unify firebird patch for both versions - Bootstrap again for copr- Debootstrap after tools built. New tool needed qtattributionsscanner- Initial update for 5.8.0- Broken window scaling (#1381828)- readd plugin __requires_exclude_from filter, it is still needed- filter plugin provides, drop filter plugin excludes (no longer needed)- backport 5.8 patch for wayland crasher (#1403500,QTBUG-55583)- restore moc_system_defines.patch lost in 5.7.0 rebase- update moc patch to define _SYS_SYSMACROS_H_OUTER instead (#1396755)- really apply QT_VERSION_CHECK workaround (#1396755)- namespace QT_VERSION_CHECK to workaround major/minor being pre-defined (#1396755) - update moc patch to define _SYS_SYSMACROS_H (#1396755)- 5.7.1 dec5 snapshot- disable openssl11 (for now, FTBFS), use -openssl-linked (bug #1401459) - BR: perl-generators- add condition for rhel - add support for firebird-3.x- adapted the berolinux's patch for new openssl-1.1.x- New upstream version- fix Source0: https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.9/5.9.0/submodules/qtbase-opensource-src-5.9.0.tar.xz- Requires: openssl-libs%{?_isa} (#1328659)- bz#1328659, load openssl libs dynamically- drop BR: cmake (handled by qt5-rpm-macros now)- add macros qtwebengine_arches in qt5- add rpm macros qtwebengine_arches for qtwebengine- use '#!/usr/bin/perl' instead of '#!/usr/bin/env perl'- introduce macros.qt5-qtbase (for %_qt5, %_qt5_epoch, %_qt5_version, %_qt5_evr)- Compiled with gcc- Qt 5.7.0 release- Prepare 5.7 - Move macros package away from qtbase. Now is called qt5-rpm-macros- drop gcc6 workaround on arm- -Wno-deprecated-declarations (typo missed trailing 's')- pull in upstream drag-n-drop related fixes (QTBUG-45812, QTBUG-51215)- revert out-of-tree build, breaks Qt5*Config.cmake *_PRIVATE_INCLUDE_DIRS entries (all blank)- support out-of-tree build - better %check - pull in final/upstream fixes for QTBUG-51648,QTBUG-51649 - disable examples/tests in bootstrap mode- own %{_qt5_plugindir}/egldeviceintegrations- full rebuild for hunspell 1.4.0- bootstrap rebuild for hunspell 1.4.0- -devel: Provides: qt5-qtbase-private-devel (#1233829)- full build- rebuild for ICU 57.1- Fix build on MIPS (#1322537) - drop BR: valgrind (not used, for awhile)- pull upstream patches (upstreamed versions, gcc6-related bits mostly)- make 10-qt5-check-opengl2.sh xinit script more robust - enable journald support for el7+ (#1315239)- macros.qt5: null-pointer-checks flag isn't c++-specific- macros.qt5: we really only want the null-pointer-checks flag here and definitely no arch-specific ones- macros.qt5: cleanup, %_qt5_cflags, %_qt5_cxxflags (for f24+)- rebuild- respin QTBUG-51767 patch- 5.6.0 release- %build: restore -dbus-linked- respin QTBUG-51649 patch - %build: use -dbus-runtime unconditionally - drop (unused) build deps: atspi, dbus, networkmanager- candidate fixes for various QtDBus deadlocks (QTBUG-51648,QTBUG-51676)- backport "crash on start if system bus is not available" (QTBUG-51299)- build: ./configure -journal (f24+)- Non-bootstrapped build- Rebuild against new openssl- qtlogging.ini: remove comments- ship $$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]/qtlogging.ini for packaged logging defaults (#1227295)- qt5-qtbase-static missing dependencies (#1311311)- Item views don't handle insert/remove of rows robustly (QTBUG-48870)- Update to final RC- Update tarball with https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-50703 fix- fix build issue with gcc6- Update proper tarball. Need avoid the fix branch- Integrate rc releases now.- macros.qt5: fix %qt5_ldflags macro- fix build issue with gcc6 - fix check for alsa 1.1.x- qt5-rpm-macros pkg- don't inject $RPM_OPT_FLAGS/$RPM_LD_FLAGS into qmake defaults f24+ (#1279265)- build with and add to macros.qt5 flags: -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks- enable -qt-xcb to fix non-US keys under VNC (#1295713)- Crash in QXcbWindow::setParent() due to NULL xcbScreen (QTBUG-50081, #1291003)- fix/update Release: 1%{?dist}- 5.6.0-beta (final)- pull in another upstream moc fix/improvement (#1290020,QTBUG-49972) - fix bootstrap/docs- workaround moc/qconfig-multilib issues (#1290020,QTBUG-49972)- aarch64 is secondary arch too - ppc64le is NOT multilib - Fix Power 64 macro use- fix build failure on secondary arch- We're back to gold linker - Remove reduce relocations- drop disconnect_displays.patch so we can better test latest xcb/display work- sync latest xcb/screen/display related upstream commits- Official beta release- Official beta release- try reverting from -optimized-tools to -optimized-qmake- re-introduce bootstrap/examples macros - put examples-manifest.xml in -examples - restore -doc multilib hack (to be on the safe side, can't hurt) - %build: s/-optimized-qmake/-optimized-tools/- Beta 3 - Reintroduce xcb patch from https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/138201/- Valgrind still needed as buildreq due recent split qdoc package, but we can get rid of specific arch set. - Added missing libproxy buildreq - Epel and RHEL doesn't have libinput, so a plugin need to be excluded for this distros- -devel: Requires: redhat-rpm-config (#1248174)- Get rid of valgrind hack. It sort out that we don't need it anymore (#1211203)- qt5-qdoc need requires >= current version, otherwise will prevent the usage further when moved to qttools- qt5-qdoc subpkg- Start to implement 5.6.0 beta- Start to implement 5.6.0 beta- full build- rebuild for ICU 56.1- Update to final release 5.5.1- Update to Qt 5.5.1 RC1 - Patchs 13, 52, 53, 101, 155, 223, 297 removed due to inclusion upstream- When a screen comes back online, the windows need to be told about it (QTBUG-47041) - xcb: Ignore disabling of outputs in the middle of the mode switch- unconditionally undo valgrind hack when done (#1255054)- backport 0055-Respect-manual-set-icon-themes.patch (kde#344469) - conditionally use valgrind only if needed- use valgrind to debug qdoc HTML generation- remove GDB hackery again, -12 built fine on i686, hack breaks ARM build - fix 10-qt5-check-opengl2.sh for multiple screens (#1245755)- use upstream commit/fix for QTBUG-46310 - restore qdoc/gdb hackery, i686 still needs it :(- remove GDB hackery, it is not producing useful backtraces for the ARM crash- Add mesa-dri-drivers as recommends on gui package as reported by Kevin Kofler - Reference https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1249280- -docs: BuildRequires: qt5-qhelpgenerator- use qdoc.gdb wrapper- %build: hack around 'make docs' failures (on f22+)- restore previously dropped patches- disable bootstrap again- enable bootstrap (and disable failing docs)- Qt5 application crashes when connecting/disconnecting displays (#1083664)- add better fix for compile error on big endian- fix build failure on big endian platform (ppc64,s390x)- Second round of builds now with bootstrap enabled due new qttools- Enable bootstrap to first import on rawhide- Disable bootstrap- Update for official RC1 released packages- Qt 5.5 RC 1- rebase to latest SM patches (QTBUG-45484, QTBUG-46310)- Update to 5.4.2- SM_CLIENT_ID property is not set (QTBUG-46310)- QWidget::setWindowRole does nothing (QTBUG-45484)- own /etc/xdg/QtProject - Requires: qt-settings (f22+)- Try to ensure that -fPIC is used in CMake builds (QTBUG-45755)- Some Qt apps crash if they are compiled with gcc5 (QTBUG-45755)- try harder to avoid doc/multilib conflicts (#1212750)- Shortcuts with KeypadModifier not working (QTBUG-33093,#1219173)- backport: data corruption in QNetworkAccessManager- backport a couple more upstream fixes - introduce -common noarch subpkg, should help multilib issues- port qtdbusconnection_no_debug.patch from qt(4)- -examples: include %{_qt5_docdir}/qdoc/examples-manifest.xml (#1212750)- Multiple Vulnerabilities in Qt Image Format Handling (CVE-2015-1860 CVE-2015-1859 CVE-2015-1858)- -dbus=runtime on el6 (#1196359) - %build: -no-directfb- drop 5.5 XCB patches, the rebase is incomplete and does not work properly with Qt 5.4- Crash due to unsafe access to QTextLayout::lineCount (#1207279,QTBUG-43562)- unable to use input methods in ibus-1.5.10 (#1203575)- pull in set of upstream Qt 5.5 fixes and improvements for XCB screen handling rebased to 5.4- pull in handful of upstream fixes, particularly... - Fix a division by zero when processing malformed BMP files (QTBUG-44547, CVE-2015-0295)- try bootstrap=1 (f23)- update to 5.4.1- -no-use-gold-linker (f22+, #1193044)- own %{_qt5_plugindir}/{designer,iconengines,script,styles}- full build after ICU soname bump- Bump for rebuild.- crashes when connecting/disconnecting displays (#1083664,QTBUG-42985)- full build- rebuild for ICU 54.1- fix %pre scriptlet- ship /etc/xdg/qtchooser/5.conf alternative instead (of qt5.conf)- workaround 'make docs' crasher on el6 (QTBUG-43057)- don't omit examples for bootstrap (needs work)- fix bootstrapping logic- 5.4.0 (final)- restore font rendering patch (#1052389,QTBUG-41590)- 5.4.0-rc- add versioned Requires: libxkbcommon dep- pull in slightly different upstreamed font rendering fix (#1052389,QTBUG-41590)- Bad font rendering (#1052389,QTBUG-41590)- macros.qt5: +%qmake_qt5 , to help set standard build flags (CFLAGS, etc...)- -gui: don't require gtk2 (__requires_exclude_from platformthemes) (#1154884)- 5.4.0-beta - avoid extra -devel deps by moving *Plugin.cmake files to base pkgs - support bootstrap macro, to disable -doc,-examples- QFileDialog: implement getOpenFileUrl and friends for real- use linux-g++ platform unconditionally- F20: require libxkbcommon >= 0.4.1, only patch for the old libxcb- 5.3.2- do a normal build with docs- rebuild for ICU 53.1- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- drop dep on xorg-x11-xinit (own shared dirs instead) - fix/improve qtchooser support using alternatives (#1122316)- support the old versions of libxcb and libxkbcommon in F19 and F20 - don't use the bundled libxkbcommon- -devel: Requires: pkgconfig(egl)- Prefer QPA implementation in qsystemtrayicon_x11 if available- 5.3.1- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- %ix86: build -no-sse2 (#1103185)- BR: pkgconfig(xcb-xkb) > 1.10 (f21+) - allow possibility for libxkbcommon-0.4.x only- -system-libxkbcommon (f21+)- qt5-qtbase-5.3.0-2.fc21 breaks keyboard input (#1100213)- limit -reduce-relocations to %ix86 x86_64 archs (QTBUG-36129)- 5.3.0- DoS vulnerability in the GIF image handler (QTBUG-38367)- support ppc64le multilib (#1080629)- reenable documentation- make the QMAKE_STRIP sed not sensitive to whitespace (see #1074041 in Qt 4)- undefine QMAKE_STRIP (and friends), so we get useful -debuginfo pkgs (#1065636)- bootstrap for libicu bump- qconfig.pri: +alsa +kms +pulseaudio +xcb-sm- 5.2.1- better %rpm_macros_dir handling- fix the allow-forcing-llvmpipe patch to patch actual caller of __glXInitialize- use software OpenGL (llvmpipe) if the hardware driver doesn't support OpenGL 2- (re)enable -docs- unconditionally enable freetype lcd_filter - (temp) disable docs (libxcb bootstrap)- fix %_qt5_examplesdir macro- -examples subpkg- fix QTBUG-35459 (too low entityCharacterLimit=1024 for CVE-2013-4549) - fix QTBUG-35460 (error message for CVE-2013-4549 is misspelled) - reenable docs on Fedora (accidentally disabled)- move sql build deps into subpkg sections - macro'ize ibase,tds support (disabled on rhel)- -devel: qtsql apparently wants all drivers available at buildtime- 5.2.0- qt5-base-devel.x86_64 qt5-base-devel.i686 file conflict qconfig.h (#1036956)- needs a minimum version on sqlite build dependency (#1038617) - fix build when doc macro not defined- 5.2.0-rc1 - revert/omit recent egl packaging changes - -doc install changes-5.* files here (#989149)- Install changes-5.x.y file (#989149)- enable -doc only on primary archs (allow secondary bootstrap)- Enable EGL support- 2013-11-08_141 snapshot, arm switch qreal double- 5.2.0-beta1- disable -docs (for ppc bootstrap mostly)- Fixes #1005482 - qtbase FTBFS on ppc/ppc64- 5.2.0-alpha - -system-harfbuzz - rename subpkg -x11 => -gui - move some gui-related plugins base => -gui - don't use symlinks in %_qt5_bindir (more qtchooser-friendly)- -doc subpkg (not enabled) - enable %check- fix big endian builds- macros.qt5: use newer location, use unexpanded macros- ExcludeArch: ppc64 ppc (#1005482)- BR: pkgconfig(libudev) pkgconfig(xkbcommon) pkgconfig(xcb-xkb)- 5.1.1- Perl 5.18 rebuild- enable qtchooser support- Perl 5.18 rebuild- add poll support, thanks to fweimer@redhat.com (QTBUG-27195)- respin lowmem patch to apply (unconditionally) to gcc-4.7.2 too- rebase the lowmem patch- more cmake_path love (#929227)- 5.0.2 - fix cmake config (#929227)- 5.0.2-rc1- pull in upstream gcc-4.8.0 buildfix- -static subpkg, Requires: fontconfig-devel,glib2-devel,zlib-devel - -devel: Requires: pkgconfig(gl)- create/own %{_qt5_plugindir}/iconengines - -devel: create/own %{_qt5_archdatadir}/mkspecs/modules - cleanup .prl- +%_qt5_libexecdir- macros.qt5: fix %_qt5_headerdir, %_qt5_datadir, %_qt5_plugindir- 5.0.1 - lowmem patch for %arm, s390- %build: -system-pcre, BR: pkgconfig(libpcre) - use -O1 optimization on lowmem (s390) arch- enable (non-conflicting) qtchooser support- add qtchooser support (disabled by default)- 5.0 (final)- 5.0-rc2 - initial try at putting non-conflicting binaries in %_bindir- 5.0-rc1- qtbase --> qt5-qtbase- %build: -accessibility - macros.qt5: +%_qt5_archdatadir +%_qt5_settingsdir - pull in a couple more configure-related upstream patches- first try5.15.3-6.el85.15.3-6.el8.build-idce597538ed54a0a4ed5359f9c0175ecf2a50d7Qt5Sql_QPSQLDriverPlugin.cmakelibqsqlpsql.so/usr/lib//usr/lib/.build-id/ee//usr/lib64/cmake/Qt5Sql//usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/sqldrivers/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=eece597538ed54a0a4ed5359f9c0175ecf2a50d7, strippedRRRRR RRR RRRRRR RR R RRRutf-84bcdb9981353fd2dc394a2805c824c289eda6dd3998adf55f920ba0f65e808ab?@7zXZ !#,u] b2u jӫ`(y/݉+9y~Jr~ 2ơ{43sY+H](GxIƐpvqKy{ | 2 ~2_uP3O1q{*&ÑzsIB@䐯%S.xTV,VI"rN*,sĽۀ{RYa:f/D[0H^^ K4dQ^uDvtSH'8<)xާ-_$v7; [>mbG*Ss=R?8<чeiy.]U [x&s|lQa TLe F\NɗP&A +[c3y8,-X46Zb@ma&9DJ]?'{شT>;91Fڗ7FtWoi.v ,J'uxxpN EKJh=4*aB +Fv-$VsuaSwpviAJMj?fKK3k,`N1gY4.0ܐេ<x.ݛߗ tA !-RPc4$`ɰRjx$m)-},­Un1sj@'C UcJn/ ʬ _'98uJHwkb޼Mc{2߃}9n;qh9ّn0N]plQ=FK!V ;qV CZ~bO` BG.Ju<˾Jg~ zIW}` CӲڢ^6?[>,4rzkFe!xg(`spV9\ KJv[St)?S?IhS hΐijFYnӪYtͻ89P4d"{vU-ԘP>IWxAF|gDI,|ϗ*7$2c"$ H(w!Yix abg}XCMqVhW$s>wh2Uhw-JnFWc`ZR4]IR% Җ$lwUOFL_)r/2`RM9 6Ws-\{;ufkcr2d?)RyN3O`T& jO-_OF[VGZy^1 Cidߡ$*< 0L#sa7Uy*+CMrدeA$|UQ#xbUH$K=\zDz,7I$IpJn83fDH|Zb^ǩ<"x fc6|5U۝S!3 *N't#6\*T`9"O;Yu@ ic{6"Dbk*tq.@/ѨሂF*8q<>휨@p@ &_"\lYHZ(-}Lar$ ,' ȡ%\C[ѐ3l̏ȴph"܂b]1dXE~/o#W69;[ $ %PѮF^9_"$9THY55.?Il~ȋݸe`!EޮUGͣueY!8,Ă'R@2єLvɥ JG`ũ~Z-{ 8a G cx4yeܣbo/ճ9q%>ϔ>"W8Lɥ[ _q?TU% =d˦/XNu;{6i\Ii;w /ڙJN'TՏuaHK.?iWE)@e)&]zr˺Z2ueDKŀmBt;Oȑ{"U+DN1WW[CcucTuΖgJQz.䛦 ({i ( K}12%e!][Yw+uQ˪'8laq}ӈR;U|##A %1)iӡ~py> cy牀֩h0_23~q yʗJ6uc=nDsU(e u/'eOB-m$ւkBF {ޝ?\e.v6l5J0%5iO@"Uf\=M"۩t8C4YPN;c! 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